This is the
Paetow family that lived in the house from 1892 - 1900. One of there
children William fell from
the tree in
front of the house and died in 1896. This picture was taken after that.
on Business
from City Directories Historical Society, Ithaca
House Address
239 241 N. Tioga St.
Corner of
Railroad St.
1872 Norton A & Co. (A. & Geo Norton) Groceries
1873 1874 Norton & Kingsbury Groceries
1875 1876 Kingsbury, John Groceries
John Kingsbury lives @ 92 Linn St
1878 Albert Norton Policeman Village of Ithaca
No Business Listing
1880 Albert Norton Policeman Village of Ithaca
No Business Listing
1883 1884 Albert Norton Temperance Saloon Chief
of Police - Village of Ithaca
1884 1885 Chas T. Norton Saloon & Restaurant
Albert Norton Chief of Police Village of
Chas T. Norton lives @ 127 Utica St.
1886 1887 Albert Norton Saloon & Billards
1888 1889 Nothing on House or Albert Norton
1890 1891 N. C. Rundle Cataract Hotel
Also Prop. Of the Fall Creek House
1892 1893 Hermon E. Paetow Saloon
1894 - 1895 Hermon E. Paetow Cataract Hotel
1896 1897 Hermon E Paetow Cataract Hotel
1898 1899 Hermon E. Paetow Cataract Hotel
1900 -
House Address becomes 1023 N. Tioga St
Corner of Railroad St.
1901 Samuel J. Kingston Cataract Hotel
1903 Samuel J. Kingston Cataract Hotel
1905 1906 Charles A DeRemer Cataract Hotel
Eva W. DeRemer bds.
1907 Herbert E. Gabler Cataract Hotel
Nelson Gabler Clerk bds.
1909 1910 Jessie C Loveless Cataract Hotel
1911 1912 Jessie C Loveless Cataract Hotel
Edward Loveless Laborer
1913 1914 Jessie C. Loveless Saloon
1915 1916 Jessie C. Loveless Saloon
Fred H. Morey Barber
1917 1918 Jessie C. Loveless Saloon
1921 Alvah H. Potter Pool Room & Confectioner
1922 James Malone Pool Room & Confectioner
1925 James B. Malone Billiards
Home 204 W. Lincoln St.
Peter J. Murray (Elizabeth) 1023 N. Tioga St. Laborer
1926 Peter J. Murray 1021 N. Tioga St. Laborer
Cataract Restaurant 1023 N. Tioga St. - unknown Prop.
1927 Vacant 1021/1023
1929 Harry H. Brewer Salesman- 1023 N. Tioga St.
Mrs. Dorintha L. Brewer Confectioner
I am assuming they had Confectioner in the store part. Unable to find
a name at this time
1931 Benjamin Brown (Gladys) Trainer CU Athletic Assoc.
James Georgiou (Sophia) - Confectioner
Home 207 Cascadilla St.
1932 Benjamin Brown (Gladys) Trainer CU Athletic Assoc.
James Georgiou Confectioner 1023
Home 210 E. Lincoln St.
Arnold E. Knapp Barber
Home 707 N. Aurora St.
1933 - Benjamin Brown (Gladys) Trainer CU Athletic Assoc.
James Georgiou Confectioner 1025 (1st yr mention) H: 210 E.
Lincoln St.
Arnold E. Knapp Barber
Home 707 N. Aurora St
1934 James Georgiou (Sophia) Confectioner
Arnold E. Knapp Barber 1023
Home 707 N. Aurora St.
1935 - James Georgiou (Sophia) Confectioner
Arnold E. Knapp Barber 1023
Home 707 N. Aurora St.
1936 - James Georgiou (Sophia) Confectioner
Arnold E. Knapp Barber 1023
Home 707 N. Aurora St
1937 - James Georgiou (Sophia) Confectioner
Arnold E. Knapp Barber 1023
Home 707 N. Aurora St
1938 Fred Dennis(Zella) Grocer Denniss Grocery Store
Mrs. Winifred Vorhis
Eska & Nellie Shaff Farm worker
Beatrice E. Nesbitt Emp. 604 Utica St. (Lang & Dennis Grocer) This
is the business that Fred owned before he purchased the house on
Tioga St.
1939 - Fred Dennis Grocer Denniss Grocery Store
Mrs. Winifred Vorhis
Eska & Nellie Shaff Farm worker
Beatrice E. Nesbitt Emp./Resident
1940 - Fred Dennis Grocer Denniss Grocery Store
Eska & Nellie Shaff Farm worker
Beatrice E. Dennis Emp./Resident
1941 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Eska & Nellie Shaff Farm worker
Beatrice E. Dennis Emp./Resident
1942 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk
Telephone listed as having a phone. Not sure if this was the 1st
year phones were installed.
1944 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk
1946 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk
1947 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk
1949 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk Phone# 3-1528
Krud E. Petersen Bartender Fall Creek House
Peter Peterson Bartender Fall Creek House
1951 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk Phone# 3-1528
Krud E. Petersen(Alice) Bartender Fall Creek
Robert C (Dorothy) Teeter
Painter (Had lived in CA the first year they were married came back before
Steve was born)
Stephen Michael Teeter born
August 18th
1952 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk Phone# 3-1528
Krud E. Petersen(Alice) Bartender Fall Creek
Robert C (Dorothy) Teeter Painter 5 Woodland
1953 - Fred Dennis Grocer - Denniss Grocery Store
Phone# 3-1528
Beatrice E. Dennis Clerk Credit Bureau
Robert C (Dorothy) Teeter Painter 5 Woodland
1954 Fred H. Dennis No Grocery Store Bartender
Harold Minturn Phone# 6457
Beatrice Clerk CU
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter
Terry Lee Teeter was born
December 30th
1956 Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Fred H. Dennis bartender
Beatrice NYABC Employee
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter MF Teeter & Sons
Norene Lynne Teeter was born March 31st
1957 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC Employee
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter MF Teeter & Sons
Fred H. Dennis bartender Ted Smiths Hall
Resident 109 W. Jay St.
1958 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter MF Teeter & Sons
Fred H. Dennis bartender Ted Smiths Hall
Resident 109 W. Jay St
1959 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter MF Teeter & Sons
Kevin Arthur Teeter was born February 20th
Fred H. Dennis bartender Ted Smiths Hall
Resident 109 W. Jay St
1960 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter LaRock Interior
Decorator - painter
Fred H. Dennis No Information
1021 Tabernacle Baptist Church Annex
1961 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Robert C.(Dorothy) Teeter LaRock Interior
Decorator - painter
Fred H. Dennis No Information
1021 Tabernacle Baptist
Church Annex
1962 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Dorothy Teeter Dr. Welsh - Employee
Robert C. he was living with
parents on the lake-nothing in city
directory. Outside of the
Fred H. Dennis No
1021 Tabernacle Baptist Church Annex
1963 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
Dorothy Teeter married William R. Freund July
Adopted Stephen, Terry, Norene & Kevin(Teeter)
Fred H. Dennis retired 109 W. Jay St.
1021 Tabernacle Baptist Church Annex
1964 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
William(Dorothy) Freund Moved to Arizona
returned in the Spring
Christoper Eric Freund born July 11, 1964
Myra Painter Maid CU Lived
in the apartment
Fred H. Dennis retired 109 W. Jay
1965 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
William(Dorothy) Freund Salesman - Syracuse
Myra Painter Maid CU Lived
in the apartment
Fred H. Dennis retired 109
W. Jay St.
1966 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
William(Dorothy) Freund Salesman Streeter
Store Fixture
Myra Painter Maid CU Lived
in the apartment
Fred H. Dennis retired 109
W. Jay St.
1967 - Fletchers Laundry Phone# 4-3749 (owned by Byron
Beatrice NYABC(Eastern Artificial Breeders)
William(Dorothy) Freund Salesman Streeter
Store Fixture
Myra Painter Maid CU Lived
in the apartment
Fred H. Dennis retired 109
W. Jay St.
More to come